Hola Stoked Dad,
It’s that time of the week: to recharge, sip on a wonderful cup of coffee, and be present - but this morning, be present with yourself.
1. How are you? No really, how are you doing? Mentally, emotionally, physically? Part of being a stoked dad is showing up for ourselves so that we can continue to be intentional, present, and stoked about showing up for our kids. For us, self-care becomes a vital way we show love to others. It's starts by checking in with ourselves; listening to where we are, and then taking action with what we hear.
2. Last week I mentioned how I record the little moments and phrases so I don’t forget; I find myself more and more internally repeating “remember this moment” to try and hard code the moment into my brain. The time anxiety is real, and I’m sure dads of older kids struggle with this even more. Our life is made up of these little moments, how can we hold onto them as long as healthily possible.
3. My oldest daughter watched Rapunzel paint on her wall in her tower in the Disney movie “Tangled” so naturally she found a pen and drew on her own wall. I wanted to repaint the room anyway, so not a huge deal. But it highlighted that we’re at a stage of talking through fiction and reality. We’re rapidly approaching a new season of life-lessons; don’t do what you see others do, “stranger danger” (not entirely sure how we’ll phrase this), etc.
This tote from LL Bean has become legendary and indispensable with kids. From groceries to swim gear. This thing is a tank. I never thought I'd care about a tote or recommend one, but for dad-gear this thing is essential. Trust me.
“No bull reaches maturity in an instant, nor do men become heroes overnight”
- Epictetus
Be stoked my friend,
P.S. - I’m focused on getting better and growing a stoked dad community with each dispatch. If you liked these, it would mean a ton if you shared it with someone else. I’m also revamping my blogging site to archive each week of these - it’s coming soon.