
⚡Dispatch 08

⚡Dispatch 08

⚡Dispatch 08

0 min read

Yo Stoked Dad,

Welcome to Sunday - here’s to good coffee, slow mornings, and another week of being Stoked. 

1. Waves and waves of nostalgia hit as we watched a late 90s rom-com last night. From the clothes, to the lighting, to the sound of a dial-up modem - those little things stick with us. I realized that the choices my wife and I make about how we decorate our kids rooms, our house, will create nostalgia and memories for our kids. The traditions we keep or create will stick with them. It’s this wild honor to co-create their early life with them. It also means I need to re-decorate my daughter’s room. I never really liked the green paint we chose. 

2. Life looks quiet a bit different with two kids. It’s been months since my wife and I have watched a movie at night. Our youngest was a little fussy, but instead of stopping the movie, we just swapped holding her and rocking her while standing. I can get a little rigid with how I want plans to go, especially when I’m tired. But being flexible and relaxed created a better, more full night. I’m learning how to find the calm, living giving moments, despite the chaos at times. 

3. My oldest starts pre-school tomorrow, after 3 amazing years with my brother-in-law as our nanny. I’m so excited for her to grow, learn, and make friends. I’m also a bit emotional about letting go of this phase of life we’ve been in. She’s starting this nearly 20 year journey of schooling, teachers, and all that comes with it. 

For the new dads - this cooler from REI has seen some mileage. Having a small, effective soft-cooler is game-changing for errands and longer trips out. It holds quiet a bit and keeps bottles safely cold. 

I’m eyeing this larger Hydroflask for our trips out - for holding bottles, snacks, and even groceries. 

“The most courageous decision that you can make each day is to be in a good mood.”

— Voltaire

Be stoked my friend,


P.S. - I’m focused on getting better and growing a stoked dad community with each dispatch. If you liked these, it would mean a ton if you shared it with someone else. I’m also revamping my blogging site to archive each week of these - it’s coming soon.

"Life is long if we know how to use it." — Seneca

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Kris Puckett