Hey Stoked Dad,
Welcome to Sunday - here’s to good coffee, slow mornings, and another week of being Stoked. It's been a bit since I sent the last Dispatch.
1. I'm operating on the smallest of time margins. Running late to daycare means I'm running late to everything that follows. If I lose focus for even 10 minutes, it translates to falling behind in every other area. The clock always wins. Maybe you can relate: the ability to linger, to "kill time," doesn't exist in this phase of fatherhood. I need to be more intentional and focused on how I use the little time we all have.
2. Beyond focus and intentionality, I need to cultivate more patience with the ever-changing schedules. It's easy to become frustrated when a perfectly planned day is derailed by a sick child or two. Being a stoked dad requires patience with the constant needs and changes of two little humans.
3. I needed a new "diaper" bag, especially when I was on paternity leave November and December - enter the [Black Ember Sling](https://blackember.com/collections/sling-bag-for-men//products/grip-sling). Perfect size for a bottle or two, diapers, change of clothes (for the baby, not me). I can even fit a small icepack and it does a decent job keeping things cold. I doubt the guys at Black Ember thought of this use case but I'm stoked about using this pack.
"Circumstances don't make the man, they only reveal him to himself."
— Epictetus
Be stoked my friend,
P.S. - I’m focused on getting better and growing a stoked dad community with each dispatch. If you liked these, it would mean a ton if you shared it with someone else. I’m also revamping my blogging site to archive each week of these - it’s this week.