Resilient Optimism

Resilient Optimism

Resilient is relentless.

Resilient is relentless.


0 min read


Resilient optimism is relentless optimism.

It is this hope in the face of utterly exhausting and depressing news of war and famine and global warming, a pandemic. Optimism is not blind. It doesn't just happen. You're not born with it. Optimism is a habit that you have to cultivate; that **we** have to cultivate.

It's a choice.

It's choosing between the reality that is right now and the reality that could be. Because we live in this in-between state, this already-but-not-yet state.

"Life is long if we know how to use it." — Seneca

How long until we demand the best of ourselves and life full life?

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Kris Puckett

"Life is long if we know how to use it." — Seneca

How long until we demand the best of ourselves and life full life?

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Kris Puckett